Thursday, August 13

Marriage (Restoration, Protection, Healing)

From this day forward, I lay claim to my marriage in the name of Jesus. (Psalms 128:1-4)

As the leader of my marriage and head over my family, I claim my wife and son for the Kingdom. No weapon formed against them shall prosper, no tongue raised against them will succeed. I rebuke the enemy in every shape and form he may take against my wife, and I cast the blood of the Lamb over her mind, her heart, her emotions, and her body, in Jesus' name. No deception shall cloud her, no darkness shall overwhelm her. The truth will cut through the lies of the enemy and free her completely. (Isaiah 54:17; John 8:32)

I also claim full restoration and reconciliation in my marriage. We shall come together under Christ and renew our wedding vows. Together, we will serve God and give testimony to His unending grace and mercy. The love He will infuse in our relationship will serve as a guiding light to all that see us. As a husband, I will guide, protect, and cherish her; as a wife, she will support, trust, and love me; as a united couple, we will serve the Lord with our lives and our life together. (Matthew 19:6; Mark 10:9; Joshua 24:15)

Finally, I claim the life of our child and any future children for God as well. Our son will grow in an atmosphere of love and will learn to respect and trust in God as his greatest source of love, joy, and peace. He will have a mother and father to guard over him, protect him, teach him, and love him. The children we bear and raise in the future will be born likewise into a loving, nurturing environment that only a happy, united mother and father serving the Lord can produce. (Deuteronemy 6:6-9; Isaiah 54:13)

These things I claim in the name of Jesus, and cast down every force, power, imagination, and tongue that threatens or comes against the King's promises, in accordance with 2 Corinthians 10:5. Amen.


  1. Josh, You do not know me but i have been listening to you talk on a certain CC site. I do not partake there but i listen as a guest, and you are right, those in leadership there, ban people for very stupid reasons. I am surprised you didnt get banned for openly speaking about it because I did that and got banned.... three times... for standing for the truth and speaking about the mistreatment of members on that site.

    Im sorry that this will be off topic of your blog post but I had no other way to contact you.

    please delete this one but keep my email address and contact me if you like. Especially if you get banned because I am sure that you are not on the "watch list".. it wont be long now before you are gone from CC.
    make sure you put in the subject line your name or Sojourner_zero


  2. typo.. the word NOT is suppose to read "Now"
